Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs), Part B

Jacobs 58. The Labourer and the Nightingale (Perry 627):

I like the cleverness of the Nightingale in this story. I like how the nightingale promises something to the man holding her captive. I could retell the story with different characters. Perhaps with a fox as the one holding someone captive or the one being held captive.

Jacobs 36. The Ant and the Grasshopper (Perry 373):

I like the theme of this story. I like that hard work pays off for the ant and laziness and procrastination leads to the grasshopper's ruin.

Jacobs 17. The Woodman and the Serpent (Perry 176):

I like this story because it shows that the snake never changes. Unlike some characters I have seen so far, the snake is an evil creature and even someone saving his life will not change him.

Image Information: illustration for the man and the snake. Web Source.

Jacobs 29. The Belly and the Members (Perry 130):

I thought this story was really interesting. I have never heard a story about the parts of a body talking to each other. I could write a story with the theme of working together as a necessity.

Jacobs 54. Avaricious and Envious (Perry 580):

I like this story because it shows that people are going to be ungrateful and envious of others no matter what they have. I could write about the theme of envy in another way.

Jacobs 69. The Old Man and Death (Perry 60):

I liked the last line of this story "We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified." I could write a plot twist in that the man tries to ask death for his help but death tells him he must take his life since he wished it.

Jacobs 50. The Two Fellows and the Bear (Perry 65):

I like the moral of this story in that you should never trust a friend who deserts you in a pinch. I could write about another scenario with the same theme/moral.

Aesop's Fables by Joseph Jacobs; link to the reading online.

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