Thursday, January 19, 2017

Introduction to a Soon-to-be Graduate

Personal photo of the graduation board on the South Oval from October 2015.

My name is Jennifer Ligon. I am a senior and will be graduating in May with my degree in Psychology. I love my major because I get to learn more about people. I think it is really interesting to learn why people act certain ways. My favorite class that I took last semester was Research Methods II. It is a difficult class but I loved the challenge. After graduation, I will hopefully be attended nursing school in June at OCCC for my Associate's degree in nursing and then finish my Bachelor's degree in nursing online. Eventually, I would like to go back to school to become a Nurse Practitioner. That is my end career goal. I am most pleased to know that I made it through the fall semester even though I took 22 hours! I didn't get to do much over break because I took 6 hours but I did go skiing for the first time! For my last semester, I wanted to be able to enjoy my time a little more so I decided to double up the last few semesters in order to lighten my load. One of my favorite movies is The Notebook (I know, sappy). I don't really have a favorite kind of music; I love all genres of music. I love all kinds of food especially pasta and dessert (It's a problem). I played softball for 15 years growing up so I still like to play softball for fun sometimes. When I am not working on school, I like to spend most of my time with my wonderful boyfriend. We have been together for over 4 years now and he has definitely helped me making it through college without losing my mind. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family either watching movies or just cruisin' around town.

Personal photo of me and my boyfriend Bailey skiing from December 2016.


  1. That combination of psychology and nursing sounds excellent, Jennifer! Even though I could never be a nurse (I'm kind of frightened at the sight of blood, eeek), teaching and nursing have a lot in common as "people professions," and I read a lot of psychology books just to see what I can learn, and it is often so useful to me in teaching too (like with the growth mindset work that you will read about later this week).

    As you can imagine, stories of healing and medicine are a huge part of the mythological tradition, so if you want to work on a project like that for class, that could be really cool... people know the symbol of Asclepius for example (the twisty snake around a rod), but they often don't know the legend of who he was, for example: and it's an intense legend! Asclepius at Wikipedia ... I'm scared of blood, but I'm not scared of snakes, so I think Asclepius's snake is pretty cool! :-)

  2. Nice to meet you, Jennifer! 22 hours sounds crazy and stressful! I admire you for being able to take on the workload so well. I'm glad you were able to go skiiing, though! My sister wants to try but I am 90% sure I would fall on my face. That picture of you and your boyfriend is adorable, too! I'm happy you were able to have fun :^)). Research Methods sounds interesting but also complicated! I also love psychology because it's super fascinating to learn about human behavior.

  3. So cool that you want to be a nurse practitioner! I think psychology is super interesting as well. Girl, I can't believe you took 22 hours last semester! And then took six more over break? You are a superhero! That is awesome that you have your boyfriend to keep you sane though. Also, I feel you on the dessert and pasta... Those are my favorites too!

  4. Hi Jennifer! It sounds like you've got some really good, serious career goals! I think becoming a nurse practitioner sounds awesome. I'm sure it'll be hard, but if you can take 22 hours and still somehow survive and have time for a boyfriend, I'm sure you can do it! I personally snowboard, but I love winter sports! I think they're a lot of fun. My whole family loves it, it's a great bonding activity for us. I can completely relate to you on loving dessert and pasta too much, it's really an issue for me as well.

  5. Hi Jennifer!
    I think being a psychology major would be so interesting! I also love learning about why people are the way they are. I love studying personality theories and things like nature vs. nurture, I find it so fascinating! I am so impressed you too 22 hours! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by 15! You definitely seem very focused and motivated by your end career goal, which is so cool. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do and honestly sometimes it can affect my ability to really focus on my school work. P.S., pasta is life!!!

  6. Hi Jennifer! Congrats on making it to your last semester, it sounds like you work really hard and focus a lot on school. I am a PR major, but I have always thought about Psychology as a different option because I love learning about people too. My favorite part about my major is working with and communicating with people as part of what I do. I can relate you with loving pasta and dessert foods, I definitely have a sweet tooth. I think it is so awesome that you want to be a nurse, good luck with the rest of the classes you have to take and your future career.. I wish you the best!!

  7. 22 hours in the fall, followed by another 6 over the intercession? Wow, now that is impressive dedication to schooling and certainly a feat I am envious of you being able to complete. It is nice to meet someone who has a passion for helping others and being a nursing major I am sure this is the case for you as well. Skiing is a wonderful way to spend any break no doubt, I am going skiing myself this year for Spring Break, it will only be my third time ever going so I am certainly still learning like you as well. Congratulations on graduating this May and I wish the best for you in your plans following graduation.

  8. Hey Jennifer! That is so crazy that you took so many hours in the fall, but that also shows a lot of dedication. I think Psychology would be a really fun major to get in to. Learning about people is really awesome. I also think that is cool that you would like to be a Nurse! My mom is one and my sister is in nursing school at Baylor right now. What a fun career path ahead for helping people! I love pasta and dessert as well. Do you have a favorite kind of dessert? I am a huge ice cream lover. Anyways, it was great reading about you and your interests. Hopefully this last semester is relaxing for you!

  9. Hey Jennifer! I live in Colorado currently and LOVE to ski! I'm so glad you got to experience it for yourself! It takes a bit to get used to as its such a weird feeling, as I'm sure you have learned! I was an athletic trainer in high school for softball and I loved watching all of the games since I'm not the most talented at not letting a ball hit me in the face:)

  10. Hey Jennifer it is nice to meet you! That is awesome that your major is Psychology. I took the AP course in high school and absolutely loved it. I wanted to take more courses but I just didn’t have any time for my degree. I am jealous that you went skiing over the break. I love snowboarding and used to go every year. I was planning on going over break too but it just didn’t work out. Good luck on your semester and your career in becoming a Nurse Practitioner.

  11. Congrats on making it this far, Jennifer! Though it looks like you've still got a ways to go, haha. 22 hours sounds like hell to me, but it's great that you were able to chug through it. I feel like anyone that can do that would feel like they'd be able to do anything. Good luck with becoming a nurse practicioner, you definitely have the spirit for it!

  12. 22 hours is rough; that really is an accomplishment! I am a PR major, but I minored in Psych and loved it. My favorite class was Intimate Relationships that I took over winter intersession.
    Girl, dessert is never a problem!
    I recently learned how to ski, I really enjoy it and its one of the only sports that I feel sufficient at doing!
    Good luck on your nursing end goal, you can do it!

  13. Congrats on surviving a 22 hour semester! I had 19 last semester and its as tough! I love Skiing, I've been Skiing in Lebanon, Switzerland and Canada. Did you do it in Colorado? I hope you enjoy your last semester and good luck pursuing your nursing career!

  14. Hey Jennifer, nice to meet you! Congrats on almost graduating! I am going to graduate soon as well and I am excited but also scared! I also played softball my whole life and I miss it so much! I stopped when I came to college and I have withdrawn sometimes I swear! Best of luck on your future career goals.

  15. Hi Jennifer,

    It's nice to meet you. Congratulations on being a senior and graduating! I'm a senior, too, and I cannot wait to graduate this May. My minor is in psychology. I loved all the classes except cognitive; it was too science-based for me. I'm not a sciency person. I'm a journalism major. Haha. I think it's great that you want to go back to school to be a nurse practitioner. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.

  16. Hi Jennifer! Part of me believes if that I did not go into accounting that I would be in psychology instead. It is such a fascinating area of study! Congrats on almost being graduated. I am kind of jealous you got to go skiing! I have not been in the mountains in several years, and I greatly miss it! Anyways, I hope you reach your goal of becoming a nurse practitioner!

  17. Hi Jennifer! I think that psychology is fascinating! I really enjoyed learning about the various types of possible illnesses in my introduction class. I think that it is incredible that people can be great at science! I am definitely not one of those people though. I hope that you become a nurse practitioner! Good luck to you for your future!

  18. Hi, Jennifer!
    Your blog layout is so different and unique! It caught me off guard at first, but I like it. I know a bunch of people in nursing school right now, and they love it so far. Of course, it’s hard but it is definitely rewarding in the end. Good luck on your future endeavors and I hope you enjoy graduation!

  19. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation. That is a really big achievement- I myself am still a year and a half away. I hope you are enjoying your last semester at OU. I did not play softball in school, but I did play a sport-wresting. I was the only girl, so I cant imagine what it must be like to play with other women-but great for you! Good luck in your plans, you seem like someone who knows where they are going- so I hope you go far!

  20. Hi Jennifer! I too am super happy and excited to graduate. But 22 hours in one semester sounds crazy! I am only taking 12 right now, and I am barely managing.
    Pasta and dessert are both amazing foods, I completely agree.
    I have never been skiing, but it looks and sounds fun! I hope your semester wraps up well and that you can continue on your path to being a nurse!

  21. Hello! Wow I am so impressed that you made it through 22 hours! I have at most ever taken 18 hours and I do not think I could have done any more, so that is seriously an accomplishment. Congrats on almost graduating! We are so close now! I have been to the mountains every summer since I was little, but I have never been skiing. It looks so fun. Best of luck with finishing up the semester!

  22. Great to get to know you, Jennifer! Wow, you are so driven. It's awesome that you are about to graduate and it's really inspiring that you want to go back to become a nurse practitioner. I think psychology is such an interesting field, and it definitely helps with writing different characters. I am jealous that you got to go skiing, as I would love to do that. I look forward to reading your stories.

  23. Only 6 hours of break, period? I can tell you really deserve that vacation for all of your hard work, Jennifer. It's nice to see another determined soul on the road to graduation, as a fellow near-graduate myself. All I need is a direction, but you seem to be pretty set.

    Psychology really is something interesting. In fact, part of constructing pieces of media, like stories and films, concerns arrangements of elements to lead a viewer's thought process, which is neat! But also kind of scary. ^_^'

  24. Hey Jennifer,
    Okay, my first question is how in the world did you make it through a 22 hour semester? I give you major props for that, I feel like I would've gone crazy. The most I have taken in one semester is 17, and that was awful enough. You definitely have an awesome plan and career outlook, and you're so close to reaching those goals. Congrats!
    Good luck the rest of this semester and in your future!

  25. Hi Jennifer! I'm graduating this semester too! Can you believe graduation is less than a month away? I'm in shock! It looks like you have a lot more schooling on your plate to continue to plow through. I commend you for that! good job on accomplishing your goals. And I'm sure that you're sick of being asked this, but are you expecting a ring this Spring?!

  26. Hi Jennifer! My favorite food group is pasta. It’s also a problem for me. Haha. I look for pasta at every restaurant. Wow, 22 hours! I don’t know how you’re managing it, but that’s incredible! I’m also a Psychology major. My favorite class so far has to be Intimate Relationships and Personalities! They were both very interesting, and great courses to take!

  27. Hey Jennifer, it's nice to meet you. I understand what you went through while taking 22 credits last fall...I took 20 and it was pretty tough. Congrats on your upcoming graduation though! I'm also a psychology major and graduating in May. I think my favorite class was Human Motivation because it was highly interesting. Anyways, good luck with your nursing endeavors!

  28. Hi, Jennifer! Congratulations on graduating in a few weeks! I’m also a Psych major, and I’m about to take Research Methods II next semester so I’ll see how that class goes. Anyway, I hope your do accomplish your goal in becoming a nurse practitioner! I heard it’s a lot of work, but considering you took 22 hours last semester AND survived, I definitely think you have what it takes to make it through! Good luck on everything!

  29. Hi Jennifer! Nice to meet you. (: I am graduating too, which is terrifying more than it is exiting to be honest. But I think it’s great that you are pursuing so many things. Going from psychology to nursing, you are going to be busy for a while! Also, you’re so lucky you got to go skiing. I’ve never been. Anyways, best of luck these last two weeks!

  30. Oh wow! So in the end you'll have two bachelors, an associates and a masters? That's amazing. I cannot imagine taking 22 hours in one semester. I think the most I have ever taken was 18 or 19 and that was tough. Psychology has always been interesting to me. This semester I am taking a Sports Psychology class and it's so interesting. I wish I would have thought to do a psychology minor. One day I hope to be able to go skiing. It looks like so much fun. Good luck on finals next week! Graduation is in the blink of an eye.
