Monday, January 23, 2017

Famous Last Words: Getting Organized

Image Information: a photo of a calendar. Web Source: flickr

I have had a rather rough start this semester. I have struggled with organizing myself and laying out my plan for this semester. Normally by now, I would be really organized. I would usually have all of my calendars and checklists laid out for the entire semester. I'm not sure what it is about this semester that is throwing me off. I think it is because I am taking a couple of classes that are very new to me and they have new programs I have never used. I feel like it is throwing me off and making it difficult for me to orient myself. I'm sure the fact that it is my last semester is not helping the matter either.

This next week is all about organizing my school schedule and managing my time. My goal this week is to organize my schedule and figure out exactly what I need to do in each class. I plan to use some of the time management strategies that I learned earlier this week to help me achieve this goal. I plan to maximize the use of checklists and calendar planning. I also want to schedule my time out each day to work on certain classes. Once that is done, my goal is to work ahead in all of my classes in order to avoid falling behind and getting overwhelmed. I would especially like to work ahead in this class because this class gives me the most freedom to do so. I also know, based on past students comments that this class is easy to fall behind in so I would like to avoid that as best I can. It is also a goal of mine to finish my semester with a 4.0 and I know that working ahead and managing my time is the best way to achieve this.


  1. I know this is an old post, but I hope you've managed to adapt to the new semester :^). I know how you feel; for some reason, things feel a little different this time and I had trouble adjusting, too. I really hope that you're not feeling overwhelmed and you've managed to get a bit ahead in other classes so you're not as stressed out. You got that 4.0! Keep it up :^)

  2. I totally relate to this post, Jennifer. I also, had a hard time getting organized and acclimated to my classes this semester. I felt like I was in a real funk at the beginning of the semester and I wasn’t my usual, organized, on top of it self. I only recently seemed to have gotten my ducks in a row (sort of, lol) and I’m bummed that it took me so long because now I’m struggling to get my grades up to where I want them to be.

  3. I had a difficult time with sticking to a schedule for this class as well. I also think my senioritis kicking in really didn’t help with anything! I am so close to graduating that it is hard to stay focused sometimes. Did you actually employ strategies from this class in other areas? And if so, did you find them beneficial? I hope you have a great rest of the semester! We are almost done!
